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Edit : Add Effects : Picture-in-Picture (PIP)

Picture-in-Picture (PIP)
A Picture-in-Picture (PIP) is an additional video clip (usually a Web camera recording) that plays embedded into the main video or next to the main video. You can add video or image files onto the PIP track on the Timeline.
PIP Preview
When you add a clip onto the PIP track, the Select PIP Preview dialog box determines how to display the clips: as an embedded video or as a side-by-side video.
To change the PIP preview, select View > Toggle PIP Preview Placement or press <CTRL + F8>.
Preview the PIP Track on Top of the Video Track (Embedded)
The PIP appears in the lower right corner of the main video as shown in the image below. Select this option if you plan to produce the final video as a Flash embedded video.
Preview the PIP Track As a Floating Window
The PIP appears in a floating window separate from the main video. This option provides a preview for how the video may look using the Side-by-Side template option in the Production Wizard.
To undock the PIP window and move it to a new location, click the undock button. To dock the window again, click the Close button.
See also:

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